Self-Service Payment Solutions
You can’t always be there to take payments, but CORE can.

One of the easiest ways to streamline payment acceptance is to provide your customers with unattended, self-service payment options. Self-service technology such as EMV chip card or online payments allow merchants to bring their goods or services closer to the consumer where they are in their day-to-day lives.
A recent USA Technologies-sponsored survey of 6,000 consumers found that 60% of those not currently using self-service technology would like to use it. So, the lesson is clear, offering self-payment acceptance is a consumer expectation you don’t want to miss out on.
What Are The Benefits Of A Self-Pay Solution?
Most of us know this popular moniker regarding real estate, but this holds true for digital payments as well. The more payment channels you present to your customers, the faster you get paid. CORE has a variety of PCI compliant solutions to take you into the digital age. The benefits are many including:
- Higher efficiency: With more tech savvy payors, they’re looking for an online portal or mobile opportunity to submit a bill payment. Same holds true on-site, think self-service checkout at one of your favorite retailers!
- Flexibility: Self-service options help you collect payments 24/7 aren’t limited to traditional locations or hours.
- Customer adoption: Your customers will have an easy path to pay you consistently and at their convenience.
- Reduced in-bound calls for assistance: With more payment options available, customers won’t need to call in for balances or related inquiries. Having a self-pay solution helps you collect payments 24/7. You are not limited to traditional locations or hours.
Self-Service Payment Options
CORE can match you with the right solution, we’re ready if you are. Here’s some of the ways we can take you where you want to go with self-service payment options across any industry:
- EMV/NFC contactless payments
- Hosted IVR
- Hosted online payments
- Events & ticketing
- Electronic Bill Presentment & Payment (EBPP)
- Text-2-Pay
- and more…
There’s no time like the present, let us know how we can take you to the future of payments.